Conditions Treated
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a method in which very fine needles are used to stimulate the body’s natural healing. After careful assessment the acupuncturist can identify energy patterns that are disrupted and insert needles into specific anatomically defined locations to help restore the energy patterns to their optimal state. As such, the acupuncturist is using needles to assist the body’s own self healing response. Some conditions may call for additional electrical stimulation to enhance the effects of the needles.
Acupuncture Treatments
Acupuncture is cumulative and works well when received at least once per week until the condition is resolved. Optimum results are obtained when the patient is treated more than once per week. First time visits consist of a full medical history and overview of current health lasting about 1 hour. Follow-ups generally last between 45 minutes to 1 hour. Be sure to eat something and drink water at least 20-30 minutes prior to your treatment. Also, wear loose, comfortable clothing. The length of the course of treatment depends upon several factors such as age, severity of condition and length of disease. Everyone reacts differently to acupuncture and will respond at different rates. Typically, acute cases resolve more rapidly than chronic cases which require a course of approximately 12 acupuncture treatments. Many people continue to use acupuncture to maintain good health by keeping the body’s immunity strong and emotions balanced.
What can I expect during my Acupuncture session?
Your treatment begins with an extensive conversation about your medical history, current health and lifestyle. Many first-time patients are amazed at how comfortable they feel during an acupuncture treatment. When the needle accesses the flow of Qi, a slight tingling, a heaviness, or a tugging sensation may be felt. Acupuncture needles have been scientifically proven to release endorphins giving patients a pleasant experience.
What does Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture has been used as an effective medical modality for over 2500 years. It has been recognized by the World Health Organization to treat over 96 conditions. In the US, people commonly seek treatment for the following conditions:
• Digestive disorders: gastritis, colitis and hyperacidity, spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, weight loss.
• Respiratory disorders: allergies, asthma, sinusitis, sore throat, chest infections, colds & flu.
• Neurological and muscular disorders: migraines, neck pain & tension, bursitis, low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis, acute trauma.
• Urinary, menstrual, and reproductive problems: infertility, pre-menstrual syndrome, prostate, problems.
• Emotional disorders: insomnia, addictions, stress, detox for chemical dependencies, PTSD.
Conditions Treated by Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine:
Allergies |
Dizziness (Vertigo) |
Obesity |